As you may have surmised, I haven't just been having sex professionally, but gaily fornicating for my own pleasure, here and there about town. When I first arrived, I may have been a little indiscriminately shallow in my conquests, and aiming for a quantity of cuteness rather than a slew of sentiment, but I have actually calmed down some in the recent weeks; in fact, if I'm honest about it, I may actually be dating. I know, I know: perish the thought.
Let's be clear, I'm not looking for a boyfriend; but cuddles are nice; as are kisses; and the re-affirmation that not all human contact is currency is an invaluable exercise in my line of work -- it keeps me charming. As I'm trying to avoid any unnecessary awkwardness that might relate to issues of commitment and monogamy, or too many conversations that involve the question "where is this heading?", I been keeping the boys in rotation, so as to avoid the illusion that I'm seeing any of them exclusively. Unfortunately, I seem to have acquired a lot of them -- I didn't mean to -- and now that it's New Year's I'm getting a number of different requests for my attention. I'm beginning to realise that it's only a matter of time before I'm out somewhere and run into more than one of them simultaneously. Que histrionics.
Is this a life or a sitcom?
Good question.
But never mind the fact that I may have bitten off more than I can chew, conducting my social affairs with a lack of wisdom, or that the chances of me hurting someone's feeling over the next 48 hours are high; here, in no evident order, is my list of suitors.
* Candle. Candle and I found one another on a dance floor, where we managed to flirt through several decibels, before returning to his place to spend the next day and a half migrating between the bed and the couch, generally without clothes, and sometimes quite impressively contorted. He's very straight forward, a well-maintained gym bunny, and has got the most beautiful open blue eyes. He sends me text messages about missing my kisses. If I saw him all the time he'd drive me absolutely bonkers, but as an intermittent dinner date and shag he's very sweet. Also, when he orgasms, he's body goes as hard as stone. Love that.
* Rule. The lawyer. My gentleman caller. He's substantially older than me, salt, peppered and tall. We do brunch, civilised dinners and cocktails, talk about a multitude of subjects, and rant about politics. He's also quite enthusiastic about recreational drugs, something which I find so common in lawyers that it doesn't even strike me as ironic anymore, and he often entices me to spend longer periods of time with him than I mean to, by doing sneaky things like smoking me up. He's also quite dirty in bed - another bonus. Recent developments suggest that I should stop playing with him, and his unmentionables, as there is some history between him and my current flatmate. I hadn't thought it would be an issue, but a couple of drunken comments from the flatmate suggest that it actually is; so now I have to keep it a secret, which I hate.
* Flight. I need to get rid of Flight, as he bugs me. I don't see him very often, as he's in and out of the city with work all the time, and I'd never even thought of him as anything more than a fuck-buddy, but the last time we got together he asked me about "taking the relationship to the next level" and I almost laughed. He's figured out his sexuality more recently than many of the gay men I know, so he's still exploring his repertoire, and keeps asking me to do things that he's never tried, but then wimps out before we even really get into it. I've attempted to convey to him that sex can be messy and uncomfortable at the same time as pillow-biting and fun, but he doesn't seem to believe me. He's in town right now, and called twice as I've been writing this. I haven't answered.
* Spark. Spark is lovely, if a little young for me. Another working boy, he's a first-rate conversationalist, and a warm, delicious cuddler. We've been drinking and fooling around together quite happily for the past couple of weeks, and it's nice to have the company of someone else in the business: he doesn't need to be compartmentalised the way the others do. He makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
* Pocket. Pocket and I haven't consummated our relations yet, but I certainly plan on it. I like Pocket a lot. As his name suggests, he's rather little, but all dark and swarthy handsome, with big brown eyes. Whenever we've seen one another we've ended up locked together, more or less attempting to have sex through our clothes, and generally somewhere public. I do like being a good spectacle. He finally gave me his number a few weeks ago, but it happened to be in the phone that was robbed, which made me very sad -- but my minions have informed me that he's been out of town for the holidays anyway. "Haven't you fucked him yet?" my friend asked me incredulously a couple of days ago. I pulled a face at him. Tracking Pocket down is my project for the new year.
It's a hard life.
I'd go with spark if you want to consolidate. Nothing wrong with younger, as long as they're over 18. 21 is better since having a legal if underage S.O. can inhibit your plans for the night.
Posted by: Deliciously Naughty | December 31, 2006 at 13:58
I count myself fortunate that I'm not trying to consolidate, as of yet; but I think you're right: Spark is probably the best candidate if I were.
Posted by: Note | January 03, 2007 at 09:23