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February 18, 2007


El Diablo

Just pierce one, and have the best of both! I've thought of the same but in the end, daren't. Plus sometimes I kinda like my tat/piercing free body. But I fantasize about getting done up BIG TIME old school way in Japan, all over my back. Everything, snakes, flowers, tigers, etc..

I'll count on your reports if you ever get it done, to nudge me in either direction.

Deliciously Naughty

Note, I beg of you, don't become one of *those* people. (morning people)

I'm on vacation and I did exactly what every good slacker genx/yer should do when on vacation-slept until noon.

God it's gonna hurt next monday at 5:30 in the fucking morning.

anyways---nipple piercings are sexy-do it!


No, baby, don't. The male form is sublime on its own. Why distract from it?

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