Odds & Ends
What was your first john like?
He was persistent. He was also tall, a little heavy, Italian and quite tipsy.
What might you write on fetish sex, as you think about the future when you will be a man of significant age?
Significant age is daunting as a term, and I’m not entirely sure what it means (especially in the dysmorphic, skewed appraisal of the gay male eye) but if the implication is that I will become more and more interested in fetish sex as I get older, that may be valid – I do seem to be developing a more respectable kink to what used to be a fairly straightforward sexual rod the further along I get -- but I doubt that I’ll ever be much into the serious accoutrements of, say, S&M. When or if I’ll write about it, I don’t know.
Assuming that the first minutes are key to a successful liaison, how do you break the ice with a newcomer?
A massage is nice. Things usually progress nicely from there.
How do you keep the game going (or not) with someone who wants something that you don't offer from your bag of tricks?
I am a master of distraction.
On the other end, how do you say goodbye so that you (a) are not staying over your limit and (b) leave the client feeling good about calling you again?
A gentle reminder around the ten minutes left is always a good way to go, asking if there is anything special they’d like you to do before it’s time for you to go is generally received quite well; by that time most clients are a little worn out, so it’s a safe question and comes off as attentive.
Have you ever walked in to find someone you already have met in civilian life?
Not as of yet.
What do you think you would you do?
If you did not hear from a client for a while would you ever call them?
I have, but only with clients I have seen at least half a dozen times, and have established a more substantial rapport with.
How do you handle things when a client isn't physically attractive for whatever reason or is otherwise a sexual turn-off?
Try and make the best of it and get them off as quickly as possible, because after they come, they most often lose interest, start feeling guilty, or want to go to sleep. You see so many different shapes and sizes over the course of a month, that the criteria on which they are judged becomes relative, but smelling terrible really is the worst offence, and getting them to shower doesn’t always help. I find visualization is the key, projecting yourself into an utterly different situation, or finding a head space that is somehow sexy despite your partners shortcomings; but sometimes promising yourself to immediately go out afterwards and buy yourself a present with the resultant money does the trick.
Has this ever happened to you?
Has it ever.
What’s your favorite way to pleasure yourself when you're alone - or do you keep "the tanks topped off" for the benefit of your clients?
If I called one favourite I think I would make all the other ways I get my rocks off feel slightly inferior, which would be entirely unfair and sad, so I’m just going to say that I like them all equally; and no, I don’t keep anything topped off besides a sunny disposition for the benefit of my clients.
Did you bring a suitcase full of beads for Mardi Gras?
Mardi Gras not being a festival I was intimately familiar with, I overlooked the need to pack a heavy garland’s worth of shiny, multicolored, metallic beads in order to bribe the jubilant natives to show me their wares. Live and learn. As it turned out, I was out of the fray most of the time anyway: at the last minute we secured an invitation to watch the madness of the parade from a balcony near the edge of Hyde Park.
Or are you planning on bringing a suitcase-full BACK?
Sadly that didn’t happen either; but I did get a lot of catcalls on my way to the big dance party, post parade. Mostly from women: “Hey, legs!” they called out, along with some sharp whistles as I ran for a cab, in a pair diminutive rugby shorts and white high-tops. I think that’s all I was wearing, actually.
I've heard female escorts say that a lot of their customers really aren't interested in the sex so much as just talking. They feel they can't talk to their wives or whoever about certain things, so they go to the prostitute. Do you come across this? Is the escort really a counselor tarted up?
It does happen that you get an occasional outpouring, or someone that wants to talk more than anything else. My demographic generally wants to converse with me on issues and insights pertaining to gay-identity, how you can live your life openly and such, and as one of the available outlets for men questioning or exploring their sexuality, this makes sense. Sometimes careers make an appearance, but family trails and tribulations almost never -- something I have chalked up to the supposition that most of them are probably segregating their experience with homosexual hookers from day to day life. More common than people who want a counselor, though, are those who want to present an alternate self. I have slept with more monosyllabic doctors, lawyers and architects than is reasonably possible.
“Maybe you could explain to me what you look for in an angiogram.”
“What kind of a doctor did you say you were again?”
Was there ever any author who simply by their way of stringing words to sentences to thoughts, created what could be called some kind of epiphany? The realization that's what words are for?
Any number of them; but the first one that really blew the top off my head was Angela Carter, may she rest in peace.
Is this life you live today a long term project?
All my choices are heavily dependant on instinct, but I don’t get the feeling that I will be relying on this kind of work as my primary source of income for much longer; and knowing myself the way that I do, my patience for it will undoubtedly exhaust long before my looks. Having now explored, and found a pleasant rhythm in, prostitution, what I can see is keeping a few clients in the wings even after I’m basically retired. There is something extremely satisfying about escorting when you have the right client, and the client has the right companion, and everyone is getting an excellent deal. Also, the extra influx of cash is nothing to sneeze at.
If you found it desirable to be in a relationship with just one person, would you? Would the security of one man in your life ever eclipse the life with many to choose from?
I feel that it is unlikely in the near future, but I never say never. Having many to choose from has never been a primary concern to me, but neither is the so-called security of one man, as I’m perfectly happy being alone, especially now that I’ve tried it both ways.
I do not have a problem with monogamy, any more than I do with prostitution or outright, free-for-all, sluttishness; I like to think that I can pull off any of them with aplomb, while keeping catastrophe to a minimum; but the emotional reserves that I am forced to tap in order to make a committed relationship work are fathomless and expansive, and the prospect of taking one on anytime soon still makes me feel tired. Bone-weary, soul-sad, tired. It would take something special. It would take being in love, and not just love convenient, or simply comfortable; or a warm-fuzzy “isn’t he sweet” kind of love, but rather one of those willingly-feed-yourself-into-a-meat-grinder-toes-first kind of love; one that equates to clinical insanity.
I know how much it costs my partner and I to live each month, but what is that cost for you?
I don’t suppose I’ll really know until my heart is weighed against that of a feather at the end of the game.
We hear, from time to time, of a go-go boy who makes loads of cash doing his thing, then connecting with someone and trying to assimilate back into normal life. They have a hard time settling down because of the life they had lived prior to that. Hypothetically, let's say you and Spark settle down, would you be happy and able to adapt to that kind of life, working a normal job? Will you ever get tired of doing this, and at that point would you have someone to fall into?
Hooking ain’t that special, really, and for boys, the money that you make isn’t much more than any number of other things you could be doing for a paycheck. As I’ve said before, it’s rich in free time, but not so much in security or routine, both of which are somethings sometimes nice to have; so when my needs change, so will my choices.
As far as the connection between seeing someone romantically and being involved in sex-work, the two have yet to intersect adversely for me, so it’s hard to say. Quitting the business and having a boyfriend are two very separate things, and I’m interested in neither at the moment. Co-dependant co-habitation is a special kind of hell I’d prefer not to revisit any time soon, and I’ve had it with making significant changes to myself or my lifestyle in order to satisfy someone else’s fragile sense of self.
Exeunt omnes.